一. UNSCEAR 书 目
12. Ionizing radiation: Sources and biological effects. / UNSCEAR 1982 TL7UNSCEAR
13. 92-1-142238-8 Sources and effects of ionizing radiation, Vol.1:Sources/ UNSCEAR 2000 TL7 UNSCEAR
14. 92-1-142239-6 Sources and effects of ionizing radiation, Vol.2 Effects/ UNSCEAR 2000 TL7 UNSCEAR
二. WHO NRPB书 目
1. 92 4 150186 5 Guidelines for the study of genetic effects in human
Populations. / WHO 1985 Q3 WHO
2. 92-832-1532-X IARC monographs on the evaluation of the carcinogenic risk of
Chemicals to humans. / WHO 1983 R730.23 IARC
3. 92-890-1107-6 Nuclear power: Accidental releases-principles of public health
Action. / WHO 1981 TL73 WHO
4. 92-4-156080-0 Effects of nuclear war on health and health services. / WHO
1984 TL76 World Health Organization.
5. 92-890-1112-2 Nuclear power: accidental releases-practical guidance for
Public health action. / WHO 1986 TL98 WHO Regional Publications, European Series No.21
6. The medical research programmer of the world health organization 1964-1968. / WHO 1969 R5-53 World Health Organization.
7. The medical research programmer of the world health organization 1958-1963. / WHO 1964 World Health Organization.
8. 0-85951-229-0 the book of the NRPB 1981/83/ NRPB 1984 TL7 NRPB
9. 0-85951-250-9 NRPB emergency data handbook. / NRPB 1986 TL73
National radiological protection board.
10. 0-85951-229-0 the book of the NRPB 1981/83/ NRPB 1984 TL7 NRPB
11. 0-85951-250-9 NRPB emergency data handbook. / NRPB 1986 TL73
National radiological protection board.
12. 0-85951-229-0 the book of the NRPB 1981/83/ NRPB 1984 TL7 NRPB
13. 0-85951-250-9 NRPB emergency data handbook. / NRPB 1986 TL73
National radiological protection board.
三. IAEA 书 目
1 92-0-123178-4 Monitoring of airborne and liquid radioactive releases from nuclear facilities to the environment/ IAEA 1978X580.2 IAEA
2 92-0-104295-7 International basic safety standards for protection against ionizing radiation and for the safety of radiation
sources./ IAEA 1996 ZY TL7-65 IAEA
3 92-0-104692-8 The Chernobyl accident:updating of INSAG-1 INSAG-7/ IAEA 1992.11 TL73 IAEA
4 92-0-100597-0 Absorbed does determination in photon and electron beams/
IAEA 1997.4 ZY R144.1 IAEA
5 92-0-125379-6 Methodology for assessing impacts of radioactivity on aquatic ecosystems/ IAEA 1979.3 Q142.6 IAEA
6 92-0-104896-3 The use of plane parallel ionization chambers in high energyelectron and
photon beams/ IAEA 1997.1 R144 IAEA
7 92-0-125189-0 Measurement of radionuclides in food and the environment/ IAEA 1989.2 X83 IAEA
8 92-0-020388-4 Radiation protection in nuclear energy.Conference proceedings Sydney,18-22 April 1988/ IAEA 1988.9 TL7 IAEA
9 92-0-020488-0 Radiation protection in nuclear energy/ IAEA 1988.10 TL7 IAEA
10 92-0-100992-5 Effects of ionzing radiation on plants and animals at levels implied by current radiation
protection standards/ IAEA 1992.3 Q691 IAEA
11 92-0-020082-6 Environmental migration of long-lived radionuclides./ IAEA 1982.4 Q691 IAEA
12 National and international radiation dose interomparisons/ IAEA 1973.1 R144.1 IAEA
13 92-0-125088-6 Training courses on radiation protection./ IAEA 1988.3 TL7 IAEA
14 Evaluation of radiation emergencies and accidents/ IAEA 1974.3 TL73 IAEA
15 Handling of radiation accidents./ IAEA 1969.10 TL73 IAEA
16 92-0-020379-5 Application of the dose limitation system for radiation protection: Practical implications./ IAEA 1979.10 TL7 IAEA
17 92-0-020279-9 Advances in radiation protection monitoring/ IAEA 1979.8 TL 81 IAEA
18 92-0-115087-3 Absorbed does determination in photon and electron beams/ IAEA 1987.8 R144.1 IAEA
19 92-0-101692-1 Radiation safety of gamma and electron irradiation facilities/ IAEA 1992.5 TL7 IAEA
20 92-0-010575-0 Biomedical dosimetry/ IAEA R144.1 IAEA
21Radioisotope sample measurement tehchniques in medicine and biology./ IAEA1965.10 R817 IAEA
22 Inhalation risks from radioactive contaminants./ IAEA 1973.1 R818.3 IAEA
23 92-0-101692-1 Radiation safety of gamma and electron irradiation facilities./ IAEA 1992.5 TL7 IAEA
24 92-0-115178-0 Intercomparison procedures in the dosimetry of photon radiation./ IAEA 1978.4 R144 IAEA
25 92-0-125278-1 Treatment of incorporated transuranium elements./ IAEA 1978.7 R815 IAEA
26 92-0-125082-7 Dosimetry for criticality accidents/ IAEA 1982.2 R144.1 IAEA
27 92-0-123278-0 Manual on early medical treatment of possible radiation injury/ IAEA1978.10 R818.5
28 The radiological accident in Goiania./ IAEA 1988 TL73 IAEA
29 92-0-123478-3 Governmental organization for the regulation of nuclear power plants/ IAEA 1978.12 TL985 IAEA
30 92-0-125078-9 Particle size analysis in estimating the significance of airborne contamination/ IAEA 1978.1X58 IAEA
31 92-0-115079-2 Calibration of dose meters used in radiotherapy/ IAEA 1979.1R144.1IAEA
32 92-0-100195-9 International basic safety standards for protection against ionizing radiation and for the safety of
radiation sources./ IAEA 1994.12 TL7 IAEA
33 92-0-123685-9 Management of radioactive wastes from nuclear power plants/ IAEA 1985.8 X591 IAEA
34 92-0-123189-x Emergency planning and preparedness for accidents involving radioactive materials used in medicine,industry,
research and teaching/ IAEA 1989.1 96.86 TL73 IAEA
35 92-0-123982-3 Basic safety standards for radiation protection/ IAEA 1982.10 TL7 IAEA
36 92-0-623085-9 Principles for establishing intervention levels for the protection of the public in the event of a nuclear
accident or radiological emergency/ IAEA 1985.11 TL7 IAEA
37 92-0-623180-4 Atmospheric dispersion in nuclear power plant siting/ IAEA 1980.8 TL981 IAEA
38 92-0-123088-5 Emergency response planning and preparedness for transport accidents involving redioactive material/ IAEA 1988.1 TL73 IAEA
39 92-0-123378-7 Safety in nuclear power plant siting/ IAEA 1978.11 TL9
40 92-0-125788-0 Desing and operation of off-gas cleaning and ventilation sysems in facilities handling low and intermediate level radioactive material/ IAEA 1988.12 TL7 IAEA
41 92-0-123387-6 Basic principles for occupational radiation monitoring/ IAEA 1987.5 R144 IAEA
42 92-0-123087-7 Application of the dose limitation system to the mining and milling of radioactive ores/ IAEA 1987.1 R144 IAEA
43 Safeguards techniques, Vol.1/ IAEA 1970.12 TL7 IAEA
44 Safeguards techniques, Vol.2/ IAEA 1970.12 TL7 IAEA
45 92-0-010678-1 Late biogical effects of ionizing radiation Vol.1/ IAEA 1978.9 Q691 IAEA
46 92-0-010778-8 Late biogical effects of ionizing radiation Vol.2/ IAEA 1978.11 Q691 IAEA
47 92-0-020188-1 Severe accidents in nuclear power plants Vol.1/ IAEA 1988.7 TL73 IAEA
48 92-0-020288-8 Severe accidents in nuclear power plants Vol.2/ IAEA 1988.7 TL73 IAEA
49 92-0-010478-9 National and international standardiztion of radiation dosimetry/ IAEA 1978.7 R144.1 IAEA
50 92-0-010578-5 National and international standardiztion of radiation dosimetry Vol.2/ IAEA 1978.7 R144.1 IAEA
51 92-0-010176-3 Biological and environmental effects of low level radiation Vol.2/ IAEA 1976.5 Q691.5 IAEA
52 92-0-030081-2 Methods of low-level counting and spectrometry/ IAEA 1981.11 TL816 IAEA
53 92-0-020178-4 Problems associated with the export of nuclear power plants/ IAEA 1978.10 TL74 IAEA
54 92-0-010281-6 Biomedical dosimetry:physical aspects,instrumentation,calibration/ IAEA 1981.12 R144 IAEA
55 92-0-010183-6 Biological effects of low-level radiation/ IAEA 1983.12 Q691 IAEA
56 92-0-010085-6 High-dose dosimetry/ IAEA1985 ZY R144 IAEA
57 92-0-020176-8 Diagnosis and treatment of incorporated radionuclides/ IAEA 1976 R818.3 IAEA
58 92-0-129082-9 Nuclear power, the environment and man/ IAEA 1982 TL75
59 Secondary standard dosimetry labratories: Development and trends/ IAEA 1985.8 R144 IAEA
60 92-0-070187-6 Nuclear safeguards technology 1986 Vol.1/ IAEA 1987.4 R14 IAEA
61 92-0-0702872 Nuclear safeguards technology 1986 Vol.2/ IAEA 1987.5 R14 IAEA
62 92-0-010088-0 Dosimetry in radiotherapy.Vol.1/ IAEA 1988.2 R144.IAEA
63 Dosimetry in radiotherapy.Vol.2/ IAEA 1988.2 R144.1 IAEA
64 92-0-020182-2 The dose limitation system in the nuclear fuel cycle and in radiation protection./ IAEA 1982.7TL7 IAEA
65 92-0-020374-4 Population dose evaluation and standards for man and his environment./ IAEA 1974.9 R144 IAEA
66 92-0-020085-0 Assessment of radioactive contamination in man 1984./ IAEA 1985.5 TL7 IAEA
67 Physics and chemistry of fission./ IAEA 1969.12 O571.44 IAEA
68 92-0-123185-7 Regulations for the safe transport of radioactive material/ IAEA 1985.2 TL74 IAEA
69 92-0-123386-8 Regulations for the safe transport of radioactive material/ IAEA 1986 TL74 IAEA
70 92-0-123982-3 Basic safety standareds for radiation protection./ IAEA 1982.10 TL7 IAEA
71 92-0-223683-6 Normes fondamentales de radioprotection./ IAEA 1983.12 TL7 IAEA
72 92-0-123980-7 Basic requirements for personnel monitoring./ IAEA 1980.8 R144.1 IAEA
73 92-0-123884-3 Site survey for nuclear power plants a safety guide./ IAEA1984.6 TL981 IAEA
74 92-0-123684-0 Regulations and guides for nuclear power plants./ IAEA 1984.6 TL98 IAEA
75 92-0-123585-2 Design aspects of radiation protection for nuclear power plants./ IAEA 1985.7 TL7 IAEA
76 92-0-123082-6 Preparedness of public authorities for emergencies at nuclear power plants./IAEA 1982.2 TL73 IAEA
77 IAEA servies and assistance in nuclear power plant safety./ IAEA 1983.7 TL981 IAEA
78 92-0-123788-X Medical handling of accidentally exposed individuals./ IAEA 1988.8 TL73 IAEA
79 92-0-123784-7 Safe operation of research reactors and critical assemblies./IAEA 1984.6 TL98 IAEA
80 92-0-123287-X Radiation protection in occupational health./ IAEA 1987.3 TL7 IAEA
81 92-0-623279-7 Radiological surveillance of airborne contaminants in the working environment./ IAEA 1979.12 TL7 IAEA
82 92-0-123288-8 Code on the safety of nuclear power plants governmental organization/ IAEA 1988.8 TL7-65 IAEA
83 92-0-623185-5 Emergency preparedness exercises for nuclear facilities: preparation,conduct and
evaluation./ IAEA 1985.12 TL73 IAEA
84 92-0-123078-8 Principles for establishing limits for the release of radioactive materials into the environment/ IAEA 1978.4 X8 IAEA
85 92-0-123075-3 Objectives and design of environmental monitoring programmes for radioactive contaminants./ IAEA 1975.1 X83 IAEA
86 92-0-123176-8 Manual on radiological safety in uranium and thorium mines and mills./ IAEA 1976.9 TL75 IAEA
87 Risk evaluation for protection of the public in radiation accidents./IAEA 1967.4 TL73 IAEA
88 92-0-020281-0 Current nuclear power plant safety issues, Vol.2/ IAEA 1981.4 TM623 IAEA
89 92-0-123279-9 Information to be submitted in support of licensing applications for nuclear power plants./ IAEA 1979.2 TL985 IAEA
90 92-0-123480-5 Conduct of regulatory review and assessment during the licensing process for nuclear power plants./ IAEA 1980.6 TL981 IAEA
91 92-0-123081-8 External man-induced events in relation to nuclear power plant siting./ IAEA 1981.2 TL73 IAEA
92 92-0-123186-5 Summary report on the post-accident review meeting on the Chernobyl accident/ IAEA 1986 TL73 IAEA
93 92-0-123582-8 Generic models and parameters for assessing the environmentaltransfer of radionuclides from routine releases/ IAEA 1982 R144.1 IAEA
94 92-0-010479-7 Biological implications of radionuclides released from nuclear industries, Vol.1/ IAEA 1979 Q691 IAEA
95 92-0-010579-3 Biological implications of radionuclides released from nuclear industries, Vol.2/ IAEA 1979 Q691 IAEA
96 Personnel dosimetry for radiation accidents./ IAEA 1965. R144.1 IAEA
97 92-0-100597-0 Absorbed dose determination in photon and electron beams/ IAEA 1997 R144.1 IAEA
98 放射性物质安全运输条例(1985年版)/ IAEA 1988 TL93 国际原子能机构
99 放射性矿石开采和选冶工作人员的辐射防护(实施法规及技术附编)1983年版/ IAEA 1989 TL7 国际原子能机构
100 核动力厂安全法规/ IAEA 1990. TL4-65 国际原子能机构
101 与核动力厂设计有关的外部人为事件/ IAEA 1988. TL7 国际原子能机构
102 核动力厂辐射防护的设计问题/ IAEA 1991. TL73 国际原子能机构
103 核动力厂许可证审批过程中管理部门的审查和评定/ IAEA 1988. TL7 国际原子能机构
104管理机构对核动力厂的检查和强制性措施/ IAEA 1987. TL7 国际原子能机构
105 市政当局为核动力厂紧急情况所作的准备工作/ IAEA 1987. L73 国际原子能机构
106 核动力厂运行期间的辐射防护/ IAEA 1988. TL7 国际原子能机构
107 核动力厂厂址选择和评定中的人口分部因素/ IAEA 1988. TM621.1 国际原子能机构
108 在核事故或辐射紧急情况时确定保护公众的干预水平的原则/ IAEA 1988. TL7 国际原子能机构
109 Radiological protection of patients in diagnostic and interventional radiology, nuclear medicine and
radiotherapy/ IAEA 2001. TL7 IAEA
110 92-0-123179-2 Qualifications and training of staff of the regulatory body for nuclear power plants/ IAEA 1979. 15.12 TL98
111 92-0-101400-7 The Radiological Accident in Istanbul/ IAEA 2000. TL73 IAEA
112 92-0-101300-0 The Radiological Accident in Lilo / IAEA 2000. TL73.IAEA
113 92-0-105300-0 The Radiological Accident in Yanango / IAEA 2000. TL73 IAEA
114 92-0-101000-1 Regulatory Control of Radioactive Discharges to the Environment/ IAEA 2000. TL73 IAEA
115 92-0-101401-5 Radiological Protection of Patients in Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and
Radiotherapy/ IAEA 2001. TL7 IAEA
116 92-0-101694-8 Accident Management Programmes in Nuclear Power{lants-AGuidebook/ IAEA 1994. TL73 IAEA
117 92-0-100200-9 Lessons Learned from Accidental Exposures in Radiotherapy/ IAEA 2000. (COPY) TL73 IAEA
118 92-0-101701-4 Investigation of an Accidental Exposures of Radiotherapy Patients in Panama/ IAEA 2001. (COPY) TL73 IAEA
119 92-0-101400-7 The Radiological Accident in Istanbul/ IAEA 2000. TL73 IAEA
120 92-0-101300-0 The Radiological Accident in Lilo/ IAEA 2000. TL73
121 92-0-101000-1 Regulatory Control of Radioactive Discharges to the Environment/ IAEA 2000. TL73 IAEA
122 92-0-105300-0 The Radiological Accident in Yanango/ IAEA 2000. TL73 IAEA
123 92-0-101401-5 Radiological Protection of Patients in Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology,Nuclear Medicine and
Radiotherapy/ IAEA 2001. TL7 IAEA
124 92-0-101694-8 Accident Management Programmes in Nuclear Power{lants-AGuidebook/ IAEA1994. L73 IAEA
125 Risk evaluation for protection of the public in radiation accidents./ IAEA 1967.4 TL73 IAEA
126 92-0-010678-1 Late biogical effects of ionizing radiation Vol.1/ IAEA 1978.9 Q691 IAEA 127 The radiological
accident in Goiania./ IAEA 1988 TL73 IAEA
128 The radiological accident in Goiania./ IAEA 1988 TL73 IAEA
129 92-0-123278-0 Manual on early medical treatment of possible radiation.injury/ IAEA 1978.10 R818.5 130 Handling of
radiation accidents./IAEA 1969.10 TL73 IAEA
131 Radioisotope sample measurement tehchniques in medicine and biology./ IAEA
1965.10.R817 IAEA
132 Inhalation risks from radioactive contaminants./ IAEA 1973.1 R818.3 IAEA
133 Evaluation of radiation emergencies and accidents./ IAEA 1974.3 TL73 IAEA
134 National and international radiation dose intercomparisons./ IAEA 1973.1 R144.1 IAEA
135 Evaluation of radiation emergencies and accidents./ IAEA 1974.3 TL73 IAEA
136 Evaluation of radiation emergencies and accidents./ IAEA 1974.3 TL73 IAEA
137 International Nuclear Information System(1970-1975)/ IAEA 1991-1996. Z89
138 International Nuclear Information System(1976-1979)/ IAEA 1991-1991 Z89
139 International Nuclear Information System(1980-1983)/ IAEA 1990-1991.) Z89
140 International Nuclear Information System(1984-1986)/ IAEA 1990-1992. Z89
141 International Nuclear Information System(1987--1989)/ IAEA 1990-1991. Z89
142 International Nuclear Information System(1990.Dec-1992)/ IAEA 1990-199Z89
143 International Nuclear Information System(1993-1996)/ IAEA 1991-1996. Z89
144 RN28000001-29047009 International Nuclear Information System(1997-1998/09)/
IAEA 1990-1998.Z89
145 RN28000001-29018265 International Nuclear Information System(1997-March 199
8)/ IAEA 1991-1998.Z89
146 RN28000001-29067994 International Nuclear Information System(1997-1998/12)/
IAEA 1990-1998. Z89
147 RN28000001-30012549 International Nuclear Information System(1997-1999/03)/
IAEA 1990-1999. Z89
148 RN 28000001-30027764 International Nuclear Information System(1997-1999/06)
/ IAEA 1990-1999. ¥4000(per year) Z89
149 International Nuclear Information System(Silverplatter Resource CD June 1999)/ IAEA 1990-1999. Z89
150 RN28000001-30011724 International Nuclear Information System(1997-2000/03)/
IAEA 1991-1996. Z89
151 RN28000001-30028558 International Nuclear Information System(1997-2000/06)/
IAEA 1990-2000. Z89
152 RN280000001-30043130 International Nuclear Information System(1997-1999/09)
/ IAEA 1990-1999. Z89
153 RN28000001-31043434 International Nuclear Information System(1997-2000/09)/
IAEA 1990-2000. Z89
154 RN28000001-30061403 International Nuclear Information System(1997-1999/12)/
IAEA 1990-2000. Z89
155 RN28000001-31065768 International Nuclear Information System(1997-2000)/ IA
EA 1990-2001. Z89
156 RN32000001-32011872 International Nuclear Information System(2001/03-2001/0
3)/ IAEA 1990-2001. Z89
157 RN32000001-32026643 International Nuclear Information System(2001/01-2001/0
6)/ IAEA 1990-2001. (per year) Z89
158 RN32000001-32042752 International Nuclear Information System(2001/01-2001/09)/IAEA 1990-2001. Z89
159 Rn32000001-32069662 International Nuclear Information System(1970-1975)/ IAEA 1991-1996. Z89
160 RN32000001-33010854 International Nuclear Information System(2001-2002/03)/
IAEA 1990-2002. ¥4000(per year) Z89
161 RN32000001-33022593d International Nuclear Information Syst
em(2001-2002/06)/ IAEA 1990-2002. Z89
162 RN32000001-33041715 International Nuclear Information System(2001-2002/09)/
IAEA 1990-2002. Z89
163 RN32000001-33071306 International Nuclear Information System(2001-2002/12)/
IAEA 1990-2003. Z89
164 International Nuclear Information System(Agust 2001,INIS Promotional CD,Se
ries No.1)/ IAEA 2001. Z89
165 RN32000001-34019524 International Nuclear Information System 2001-2003/03/
IAEA 1990-2003. Z89
166 RN32000001-34038706 INIS(International Nuclear Information System2001-2003/
06)/ IAEA 2003 Z897
167 International Nuclear Information System 2001-2003/09/ IAEA 2003. Z82
169 RN35000001-35028312 INIS CD(INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR INFORMATION SYSTEM)2004/01-2004/03/ IAEA 1996. Z89
170 RN35000001-35028312 INISCD(INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR INFORMATION SYSTEM)2004/01-2004/03/ IAEA 2004. Z89
四. NCRP 书 目
1. Liver Cancer Risk From Internally Deposited Radionuclides. / NCRP 2001. R 730.1 NCRP
2. Protection Against Radiation from Brachytherapy Sources/ NCRP 1982. R144 NCRP
3. 0-929600-57-6 Uncertainties in fatal cancer risk estimates used in radiation protection. / NCRP EDIT 1997.10 406.84 TL73 NCRP
4. 0-913392-47-2 Tritium and other radionuclides labeled organic compounds incorporated in genetic material. / NCRP 1979.3 ¥25.00 R142 NCRP
5. 0-929600-54-1 Deposition, retention and dosimetry of inhaled radioactive substances. / NCRP 1997.2. ¥653.23 R144 NCRP
6. 0-929600-35-5 A practical guide to the determination of human exposure to radio frequency fields. / NCRP EDIT. 1993.12 R144.1 NCRP
7. 0-929600-46-0 Principles and application of collective dose in radiation protection. / NCRP 1995.11. TL7 NCRP
8. 0-929600-51-7 Sources and magnitude of occupational and public exposures from nuclear medicine procedures. / NCRP 1996.3 ¥408.97 TL7 NCRP
9. 0-929600-54-1 Deposition, retention and dosimetry of inhaled radioactive substances. / NCRP 1997.2 R144 NCRP
10. 0-929600-39-8 Dose control at nuclear power plants/ NCRP 1994.12 ¥331. 72 R144.1 NCRP
11. 0-929600-49-5 Screening models for releases of radionuclides to atmosphere, surface water, and ground-work sheets/ NCRP 1996.1 TL7 NCRP
12. 0-929600-48-7 Screening Models for releases of radionuclides to atmosphere, surface water, and ground/ NCRP 1996.1 TL7 NCRP
13. 0-929600-33-9 Radiation protections in the mineral extraction industry. / NCRP 1993.11 TL7 NCRP
14. 0-929600-32-0 Research needs for radiation protection. / NCRP 1993.11 TL7 NCRP
15. 0-929600-30-4 Limitation of exposure to ionizing radiation/ NCRP 1993.3 R144.1 NCRP
16. 0-929600-34-7 Risk Estimates for Radiation Protection. / NCRP 1993.12 TL73 NCRP
17. 0-929600-27-4 Maintaining Radiation Protection Records. / NCRP 1992.11 TL7 NCRP
18. 0-929600-25-8 Exposure criteria for medical diagnostic ultrasound: I.Criteria based on thermal mechanisms. / NCRP 1992.6 TL7 NCRP
19. 0-929600-18-5 Effects of ionizing radiation on aquatic organisms. / NCRP 1991.8 Q691 NCRP
20. 0-929600-19-3 Some aspects of strontium radiobiology. / NCRP 1991.8 Q691 NCRP
21. 0-929600-20-7 Developing radiation emergency plansfor academic, medical or industrial facilities. / NCRP 1991.8 TL73 NCRP
22. 0-929600-23-1 Calibration of survey instruments used in radiation protection for the assessment of ionizing
radiation fields and radioactive
surface contamination. / NCRP R144.1 NCRP
23. 0-929600-04-5 Guidance on radiation received in space activities. / NCRP 1989.7 TL7 NCRP
24. 0-92600-1-0 Exposure of the U.S. population from diagnostic medical radiation. / NCRP 1989. 5 ¥105.33 TL7 NCRP
25. 0-929600-05-3 Exposure of the U.S. population from occupational radiation. / NCRP 1989.6 TL7 NCRP
26. 0-929600-03-7 Medical X-ray, electron beam and gamma ray protection for energies up to 50 MeV. / NCRP 1989.6 TL7 NCRP
27. 0-929600-07-X Control of radon in houses. / NCRP 1989.9 TL7 NCRP
28. 0-929600-09-6 Radiation protections for medical and allied health personnel. / 1989.10 0 TL7 NCRP
29. 0-929600-11-8 Limit for exposure to "hot partices"on the skin. / NCRP 1989.12 TL7 NCRP
30. 0-929600-50-9 Use of personal monitors to estimate effective dose equivalent and effective dose to workers for external exposure to low-LET radiation./ NCRP 1995.12 TL7 NCRP
31. 0-929600-00-2 Quality assurance for diagnostic imaging equipment/ NCRP 1998.12 TL7 NCRP
32. 0-913392-97-9 Measurement of radon and radon daughters in air. / NCRP 1988.11 X591.02 NCRP
33. 0-913392-96-0 Comparative carcinogenicity of ionizing radiation and chemicals. / NCRP 1989.3 TL7 NCRP
34. 0-913392-93-6 Exposure of the population in the United States and Canada from natural background radiation. / NCRP 1987.12 R144 NCRP
35. 0-913392-91-X Ionizing radiation exposure of the population of the United
36. 913392-90-1 Public radiation exposure frond nuclear power generation in the United States./ NCRP ¥125.56 TL7 NCRP
37. 913392-89-8 Recommendations on limits for exposure to ionizing radiation/ NCRP 1987.6 R144 NCRP
38. 913392-87-1 Neptunium: radiation protection guidelines. / NCRP TL7 NCRP
39. 913392-73-1 Carbon-14 in the environment. / NCRP 1985.5O613.71 NCRP
40. 913392-74-x Si units in radiation protection and measurements./ NCRP 1985.8 TL75 NCRP
41. 0-913392-76-6 The experimental basis for absorbed-dose calculations in medical uses of radionuclides. / NCRP 1985.9 R144.1 NCRP
42. 0-913392-77-4 General concepts for the dosimetry of internally deposited radionuclides. / NCRP 1985.9 R144.1 NCRP
43. 0-913392-79-0 Mammography. / NCRP 1986 R816.4 NCRP
44. 0-913392-72-3 Induction of thyroid cancer by ionizing radiation. / NCRP 1985.3 R730.23 NCRP
45. 0-913392-70-7 Neutron contaminations from medical electron accelerators. /NCRP 984.11 TL7 NCRP
46. 0-913392-68-5 Evaluation of occupational and environmental exposures to radon and radon daughters in the United States. /NCRP 1984.5 R14 NCRP
47. 0-913392-67-7 Exposures from the uranium series with emphasis on radon and its daughters. / NCRP 1984.3 R14 NCRP
48. 0-913392-66-9 Radiological assessment: predicting the transport, bioaccumulation, and uptake by man of radionuclides released to the
environment. / NCRP 1984.3 TL7 NCRP
49. 0-913392-65-0 Iodine-129: Evaluation of releases from nuclear power generation. / NCRP 1983.12 TL7 NCRP
50. 0-913392-61-8 Radiation protection and measurement for low-voltage neutron generators./NCRP 1983.11 TL7 NCRP
51. 0-913392-55-3 Dosimetry of X-ray and gamma-ray beams for radiation therapy in the energy ranges 10 KeV to 50 MeV./ NCRP 1981.12 R14 NCRP
52. 0-913392-54-5 Radiation protections in pediatric radiology. / NCRP 1981.2 TL7 NCRP
53. 0-913392-84-7 Radiation alarms and access control systems/NCRP1986,10 TL7 NCRP
54. 0-913392-83-9 Use of bioassay procedures for assessment of internal radionuclides deposition. / NCRP 1987,2 Q691 NCRP
55. 0-913392-80-4 Biological effects and exposure criteria for radio frequency electromagnetic fields. / NCRP Q691 NCRP
56. 913392-86-3 Genetic effects from internally deposited radionuclides. / NCRP 1987,8 Q345 NCRP
57. 0-913392-43-X Operational radiation safety program. / NCRP 1978,12 TL985 NCRP
58. 0-913392-40-5 Instrumentation and monitoring methods for radiation protection. / NCRP 1978,5 ¥20.00 R142 NCRP
59. Medical x-ray & gamma ray protection for energies up to 10 MeV. / NCRP 1977,11 R142 NCRP
60. 0-913392-37-5 Protection of the thyroid gland in the event of releases of radioiodine. / NCRP 1977,8 R142 NCRP
61. 913392-38-3 Radiation exposures from consumer products and miscellaneous sources. / NCRP 1977,11 R142 NCRP
62. 0-913392-35-9 Review of NCRP radiation dose limit for embryo and fetus in occupationally exposed women. / NCRP 1982,3 R142 NCRP
63. Dental x-ray protection. / NCRP 1988 ¥82.80 TL7 NCRP
64. Dental x-ray protection. / NCRP 1973 ¥55.00 TL7 NCRP
65. Protection against neutron radiation. / NCRP 1981,4 R142 NCRP
66. 0-913392-28-6Alpha-emittingparticlesin lungs./NCRP1975.5 R14NCRP
67. 0-913392-24-3 Radiological factors affecting decision-making in a nuclear
attack. / NCRP 1974.11 R142 NCRP 68. 0-913392-52-9 Radio frequency electromagnetic fields. / NCRP 1981.3 O441.5 NCRP
69. 0-913392-51-0 Mammography. / NCRP 1980.7 TL7 NCRP
70. 0-913392-49-9 Management of persons accidentally contaminated with radionuclides. / NCRP 1980.8 TL73 NCRP
71. 0-913392-48-0 Influence of dose and its distribution in time on dose-response relationships for Low-LET Radiations. / NCRP 1980.8 R142 NCRP
72. 0-913392-44-8 Physical, chemical, and biological properties of radio cerium relevant to radiation protection
guidelines. / NCR1978.10 R142 NCRP
73. 0-913392-41-3 A handbook of radioactivity measurements procedures. / NCRP 1978.11 R142 NCRP
74. 0-913392-54-5 Radiation protections in pediatric radiology. / NCRP 1981.2TL7 NCRP
75. 0-913392-66-9 Radiological assessments: predicting the transport, bioaccumulation, and uptake by man of radionuclides released
to the environment. / NCRP 1985.5 Q691 NCRP
76. 0-913392-30-8 Radiation protection for medical and allied health personnel/NCRP 1977.11R142 NCRP
77. Precautions in the management of patients who have received therapeutic amounts of
radionuclides. / NCRP 1970.10 R142 NCRP
78. 0-913392-36-7 Medical radiation exposure of pregnant and potentially pregnant women. / NCRP 1977.7 R142 NCRP
79. 0-913392-26-x Krypton-85 in the atmosphere--accumulation, biological significance, and control technology/ NCRP 1975.7R142 NCRP
80. Control and removal of radioactive contamination in laboratories. / NCRP 1951.2 R142 NCRP
81. Maximum permissible body burdens and Maximum permissible concentrations of radionuclides air and in water for occupational exposure. / NCRP 1959 R142 NCRP
82. Measurement of neutron flux and spectra for physical and biological applications. / NCRP 1960.7 R142 NCRP
83. Measurement of absorbed dose of neutrons, and of mixtures of neutrons and gamma rays/ NCRP 1961.2 R142 NCRP
84. 0-913392-25-1 Review of the current state of radiation protection philosophy/ NCRP 1975.1 Tl7 NCRP
85. 0-913392-27-8 Natural background radiation in the United States/ NCRP 1975.11 R144.1 NCRP
86. 0-913392-31-6 Structural shielding design and evaluation for medical use of X rays and gamma rays of energies up to 10 MeV/ NCRP 1976.9 ¥20.00 R142 NCRP
87. 0-913392-94-4 Radiation exposure of the U.S.population from consumer products and miscellaneous sources. / NCRP 1987.10 ¥92.52 TL7 NCRP
88. 0-913392-46-4 Tritium in the environment/ NCRP 1979 ¥22.50 R142 NCRP
89. Krypton-85 in the atmosphere-with specific reference to the public health significance of the proposed controlled release at Three
Mile Island. / NCRP 1980 ¥ TL7 NCRP
90. Preliminary evaluation of criteria for the disposal of transuranic contaminated waste. / NCRP 1982 ¥ TL7 NCRP
91. 0-913392-82-0 Screening techniques for determining compliance with environmental standards. / NCRP 1989 ¥82.80 TL7 NCRP
92. 0-929600-52-5 A guide for uncertainty analysis in dose and risk assessments related to environmental contamination. / NCRP 1996 ¥327.27
93. 0-913392-88-X Guidelines for the release of wastewater from unclear facilities with special reference to the public health significance of the
proposed release of treated
wastewaters at Three Mile Islanding. / NCRP 1997 ¥138.81 TL7 NCRP
94. 0-292600-45-2 An introduction to efficacy in diagnostic radiology and nuclear medicine. / NCRP 1995 ¥410.70 TL7 NCRP
95. The control of exposure of the public to ionizing radiation in the event of accident or attack. / NCRP 1982 ¥56.00
96. 0-929600-61-4 Recommended-screening limits for contaminated surface soil and review of factors relevant to silt-specific studies. / NCRP Report 129 1999,1 ¥796.63 TL7 NCRP
97. 0-929600-63-0 Biological effects and exposure limits for "Hot particles"/ NCRP Report No.130 1999 ¥499.86 TL7 NCRP
98. 0-929600-67-3 Operational Radiation Safety Training. / NCRP 2000. ¥406.13TL7 NCRP
99. 929600-66-5 Radiation Protection for procedures performed outside the radiology department/ NCRP 2000 ¥484.24 TL7 NCRP
100. Scientific Basis For Evaluating The Risks to Populations Frame Space Applications of Plutonium. / NCRP131
2001. TL7 NCRP
101. Radiation protection Guidance for Activities in Low-earth Orbit. / NCRP132 2001. TL7 NCRP
102. 0-929600-71-1 Management of Terrorist Events Involving Radioactive Material. / NCRP 2001. ¥676.75 TL7 NCRP
103. 0-929600-70-3 Fluency-Based and Microdosimetry Event-Based Methods for Radiation Protection in Space/ NCRP 2001. ¥351.59 TL7 NCRP
104. 0-929600-71-1 Evaluation of the Linear-No threshold Dose-Response Model for Ionizing Radiation. / NCRP 2001. ¥667.84 TL7 NCRP
105. 0-913392-61-8 Radiation protection and measurement for low-voltage neutron generators. / NCRP 1983.11 ¥89.70 TL7 NCRP
106. 913392-41-3 A handbook of radioactivity measurements procedures. / NCRP 1978.11 ¥127.60 R142
NCRP 107. 0-913392-66-9 Radiological assessments: predicting the transport, bioaccumulation, and uptake by man of radionuclides released to the
environment. / NCRP 1985.5 ¥151.80 Q691 NCRP
108. 0-913392-23-5 Specification of Gamma-Ray Brach therapy Sources. / NCRP1985.5 R144 NCRP
109. Radiation Protection in Educational Institutions. / NCRP 1974. TL7 NCRP
110. Radiation Protection in Veterinary Medicine. / NCRP 1982. TL7 NCRP
111. Biological Effects of Ultrasound: Mechanisms and Clinical Implications. / NCRP 1986. Q691NCRP
112. 0-913392-84-7 Radiation alarms and access control systems/ NCRP 1986,10 ¥105.76 TL7 NCRP
113. 0-913392-27-8 Natural background radiation in the United States. / NCRP 1975.11 R144.1 NCRP
114. 0-913392-70-7 Neutron contaminations from medical electron accelerators. / NCRP 1984.11 ¥124.20 TL7 NCRP
115. Perceptions of Risk-Proceedings of the 15th Annual Meeting of the NCRP. / NCRP 1979.03 ¥99.15 TL7 NCRP
116. Quantitative Risk in Standards Setting-Proceedings of the 16th Annual Meeting of the NCRP. / NCRP 1980.04 ¥99.15 TL7 NCRP
117. Critical Issues in Setting Radiation Dose Limits. -Proceedings of the 17th Annual Meeting of the NCRP. / NCRP 1981.04 R144.1 NCRP
118. Radiation Protection and New Medical Diagnostic Approaches. -Proceedings of the 18th Annual Meeting of the NCRP. / NCRP 1982.04 TL7 NCRP
119. Environmental Radioactivity. -Proceedings of the 19th Annual Meeting of the NCRP. / NCRP 1983.04 ¥68.00 X591 NCRP
120. 0-913392-75-8 Some Issues Important in Development Basic Radiation Protection Recommendations. -Proceedings of the 20th Annual Meeting of the NCRP. / NCRP 1984.04 ¥38.80 TL7 NCRP
121. 0-913392-81-2 Radioactive Catenations-Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meeting of the NCRP. / NCRP 1985.04 ¥110.00 X591 NCRP
122. 0-913392-60-x Operational; Radiation Safety-Training. / NCRP 1983.3 TL7 NCRP
123. 0-913392-57-x Nuclear Medicine-Factors Influencing the Choice and Use of Radionuclides in Diagnosis and Therapy. / NCRP 1982. R818 NCRP
124. 0-913392-45-6 Radiation Safety Training Criteria for Industrial Radiography. / NCRP 1984. TL7 NCRP
125. Radioactive-Waste Disposal in the Ocean. / NCRP 1984. X77 NCRP
126. Stopping Power for Use with Cavity Chamners. / NCRP 1961. TL81 NCRP
127. Radiation Protection Design Guidelines for 0.1-100MeV Particle Accelerator Facilities. / NCRP 1979. TL7 NCRP
128. 0-913392-33-2 Radiation Protection Design Guidelines for 0.1-100MeV Particle Accelerator Facilities. / NCRP 1979. (YB) TL7 NCRP
五. ICRU 书 目
1. 0-913394-57-2 Dose and volume specification for reporting interstitial therapy. / ICRU 1997.12 R144.1 ICRU
2. 0-913394-25-4 Average energy required producing an ion pair. / ICRU 1979 TL 7 ICRU
3. 913394-33-5 Determination of dose equivalents resulting from external radiation sources. / ICRU 1985 ¥113.52 R144 ICRU
4. 913394-34-3 The quality factor in radiation protection. / ICRU 1986 TL 7 ICRU
5. Modulation transfers function of screen-film systems. / ICRU 1986 COPY TL 7 ICRU
6. 0-913394-33-5 Determination of dose equivalents from external radiation sources--part 2. / ICRU
1988 R144.1 ICRU
7. 913394-38-6 Tissue substitutes in radiation dosimetry and measurement. / ICRU 1989R144.1 ICRU
8. 0-913394-42-4 Measurement of dose equivalents from external photon and electron radiations. / ICRU
1992 TL73 ICRU
9. 0-913394-45-9 Phantoms and computational models in therapy, diagnosis and protection. / ICRU 1992 TL7 ICRU
10. 0-913394-47-5 Stopping power and ranges for protons and alpha particles. / ICRU 1993 TL7 ICRU
11. 0-913394-48-3 Prescribing, recording, and reporting photon beam therapy. Phantoms and computational models in therapy,
diagnosis and protection. / ICRU 1993 TL7 ICRU
12. 0-913394-50-5 Qualities and units in radiation protection dosimetry. / ICRU 1993 R144.1 ICRU
13. 913394-51-3 Particle counting in radioactivity measurements. / ICRU 1994 R144.4 ICRU
14. 913394-52-1 Gamma-ray spectrometry in the environment. / ICRU1994TL7 ICRU
15. 913394-53-X Medical imaging--The assessment of image quality. / ICRU 1996 TL7 ICRU
16. 913394-54-8 Secondary electron spectra from charger particle interactions. / ICRU 1996TL7 ICRU
17. 0-913394-55-6 Dosimetry of external beta rays for radiation protection. / ICRU 1997 TL7 ICRU
18. 0-913394-58-0 Clinical proton dosimetry, Part 1: Beam production, beam delivery and measurement of absorbed dose. / ICRU 59
1998 TL7 ICRU
19. 0-913394-59-9 Fundamental quantities and units for ionizing radiation. / ICRU 60 1998TL7 ICRU
20. 0-913394-60-2 Tissue substitutes, phantoms and computational modeling in medical ultrasound. / ICRU 61
1998 TL7 ICRU
21. 0-913394-62-9 Neutron data for neutron and proton radiotherapy and for radiation protection. / ICRU 2000.3. TL7 ICRU
22. Microdosimetry./ ICRU 1983 TL 7 ICRU
23. 1-870965-90-6 Dosimetry of High-Energy Photon Beams Based on Standards of Absorbed Dose to Water. / ICRU 64 2001 (Report 64-66 outside) R144 ICRU
24. 1-870965-91-4 Quantities, Units and Terms in Radioecology. / ICRU 2001 (Report 64-66 outside) Q691 ICRU
25. 870965-92-2 Determination of Operational Dose Equivalent Quantities for Neutrons. / ICRU 66 2001 (Report 64-66 outside) R144 ICRU